Соответствие состояния данных переменных

В таблице ниже представлено соответствие состояния данных переменных, принимаемых по протоколу Fieldbus Foundation, состоянию данных, формируемому экранными блоками FF.
Спецификация Fieldbus Foundation
Экранный блок FF
Значение общего состояния данных
Значение дополняющего
состояния данных
Состояние данных в части ограничений
состояния данных
The value is NOT useful
Non-specific - There is no specific reason why the value is bad. Used FOR propagation
NOT limited - The value is free TO MOVE
Low limited - The value is from a block that cannot generate or use a lower value because it is limited in that direction, either internally or by the transducer
High limited - The value is from a block that cannot generate or use a higher value because it is limited in that direction, either internally or by the transducer
CONSTANT (high AND low limited) - The value cannot MOVE, no matter what the process does
BAD – Недостоверные данные
Configuration Error - Set if the value is not useful because there is some other problem with the block, depending on what a specific manufacturer can detect
Not Connected - Set if this input is not referenced in by a link object within the resource
Device Failure - Set if the source of the value is affected by a device failure
Sensor Failure - Set if the device can determine this condition. The Limits define which direction has been exceeded
No Communication, with last usable value - Set IF THIS value had been set BY communication, which has now failed
No Communication, with no usable value - Set if there has never been any communication with this value since it was last Out of Service
Out OF Service - The value is NOT reliable because the block is NOT being evaluated, AND may be under construction BY a configurer. Set IF the block mode is O/S
Transducer in MAN - The value is NOT reliable because the transducer block is in MAN mode
Transducer in MAN - The value is NOT reliable because the transducer block is in MAN mode
The quality of the value is less than normal, but the value may still be useful
Non-specific - There is no specific reason why the value is uncertain. Used FOR propagation
NOT limited - The value is free TO MOVE
Low limited - The value is from a block that cannot generate or use a lower value because it is limited in that direction, either internally or by the transducer
High limited - The value is from a block that cannot generate or use a higher value because it is limited in that direction, either internally or by the transducer
CONSTANT (high AND low limited) - The value cannot MOVE, no matter what the process does
NR – Достоверные данные
Last Usable Value - Whatever was writing THIS value has stopped doing so
Substitute - Set when the value is written when the block is NOT Out OF Service
Initial Value - Set when the value of an input parameter is written while the block is Out of Service
Sensor Conversion not Accurate - Set if the value is at one of the sensor limits. The Limits define which direction has been exceeded. Also set if the device can determine that the sensor has reduced accuracy
Engineering Unit Range Violation - Set IF the value lies outside OF the range OF values defined FOR THIS parameter. The Limits define which direction has been exceeded
Sub-normal - Set if a value derived from multiple values has less than the required number of Good sources
Transducer in MAN - The value is questionable because the transducer block is in MAN mode
The quality of the value is good, but there is an alarm associated with it
Non-specific - There is no specific reason why the value is good. No error OR special condition is associated with THIS value
NOT limited - The value is free TO MOVE
Low limited - The value is from a block that cannot generate or use a lower value because it is limited in that direction, either internally or by the transducer
High limited - The value is from a block that cannot generate or use a higher value because it is limited in that direction, either internally or by the transducer
CONSTANT (high AND low limited) - The value cannot MOVE, no matter what the process does
NR – Достоверные данные
Active Block Alarm - Set IF the value is good AND the block has an active Block Alarm
Active Advisory Alarm - Set IF the value is good AND the block has an active Alarm with a priority less than 8
Active Critical Alarm - Set IF the value is good AND the block has an active Alarm with a priority greater than OR equal TO 8
Unacknowledged Block Alarm - Set if the value is good and the block has an unacknowledged Block Alarm
Unacknowledged Advisory Alarm - Set if the value is good and the block has an unacknowledged Alarm with a priority less than 8
Unacknowledged Critical Alarm - Set if the value is good and the block has an unacknowledged Alarm with a priority greater than or equal to 8
Initiate Fault State(IFS) - The value is FROM a block that wants its downstream output block (e.g. DO) TO go TO Fault State. THIS is determined BY a block option TO initiate Fault State IF the status OF the primary input AND/OR cascade input goes Bad
The value may be used in control calculations/actions
Non-specific - There is no specific reason why the value is good. No error OR special condition is associated with THIS value
NOT limited - The value is free TO MOVE
Low limited - The value is from a block that cannot generate or use a lower value because it is limited in that direction, either internally or by the transducer
High limited - The value is from a block that cannot generate or use a higher value because it is limited in that direction, either internally or by the transducer
CONSTANT (high AND low limited) - The value cannot MOVE, no matter what the process does
NR – Достоверные данные
Initialization Acknowledge(IA) - The value is an initialized value FROM a source (cascade input, remote-cascade in, AND remote-output in parameters)
Initialization Request(IR) - The value is an initialization value FOR a source (back calculation input parameter), because the lower loop is broken OR the mode is wrong
NOT Invited (NI) - The value is FROM a block which does NOT have a target mode that would use THIS input. THIS covers all cases other than Fault State Active, Local Override, AND NOT Selected. The target mode can be the next permitted mode OF higher priority in the CASE OF shedding a supervisory computer
Not Selected(NS) - The value is from a Control Selector which has not selected the corresponding input. This tells the upper block to limit in one direction, not to initialize
Local Override(LO) - The value is from a block that has been overriden by a local key switch or is a Complex AO/DO with interlock logic active. The failure of normal control must be propagated to a PID block for alarm and display purposes. This also implies Not Invited
Fault State Active(FSA) - The value is from a block that has Fault State active. The failure of normal control must be propagated to a PID block for alarm and display purposes. This also implies Not Invited
Initiate Fault State(IFS) - The value is from a block that wants its downstream output block (e.g. AO) to go to Fault State. This is determined by a block option to initiate Fault State if the status of the primary input and/or cascade input goes Bad